California Car Insurance Calculator

California Car Insurance Calculator

A California Car Insurance Calculator helps you estimate the cost of policy before signing on the dotted line. It takes into account a range of factors that affect car insurance rates, such as your age and location, driving record, vehicle model make and model and coverage options available to you. A calculator serves as a useful way to gauge cost during comparison shopping; but remember that different insurers assess risk differently and set rates accordingly.

Your car’s cost to insure can depend on several factors, with more expensive models typically costing more than less costly models. Furthermore, its age plays a part, with drivers under 20 experiencing higher premiums because they lack road experience. At-fault accidents or speeding tickets could increase premiums as will DUI convictions.

Apart from your driving record, other factors that impact car insurance rates include your location and amount of driving time. Insurance companies use this information to gauge whether there is an increased risk of you getting into an accident; higher liability limits or additional coverage might be required as a result. Some states prohibit insurers from using credit scores in this determination process while other regulations might limit how much information can be utilized when setting rates.

California requires that drivers purchase at a minimum $15,000 of bodily injury liability per person and $30,000 total for bodily injury liability per accident, along with $5,000 property damage liability coverage. You should consider adding extra coverage such as medical expenses, rental car reimbursement and collision protection; GEICO’s online auto insurance calculator can help estimate these additional costs as well as determine which additional protections you should add to your policy.

No matter your coverage limits and options, shopping around and finding the best deal on car insurance in California can help save money. Drivers should also remember that premiums usually increase annually so it pays to shop around before automatically renewing a policy. To get started today, visit a local GEICO agent or contact us and compare quotes until you find the ideal policy in California!