Car Insurance Calculator – How to Find the Best Rates in Iowa

Iowa Car Insurance Calculator

Iowa requires drivers to purchase at least 20/40/15 coverage of bodily injury liability and property damage liability, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage and personal injury protection (PIP). You may also post a bond as proof of financial responsibility instead of purchasing an insurance policy; alternatively you can use ValChoice’s online quote tool to compare rates from top companies and make an informed decision regarding coverage needs.

Methodology: In Iowa, the average full coverage car insurance rate for 2018 is $792 annually. Rates can differ based on factors like location, driving record and type of vehicle driven – here are a few factors which impact it:

Drivers with good credit typically enjoy lower insurance premiums than their counterparts with poor credit, due to insurers using credit scores as an indicator of claim risk; people with higher scores are less likely to file claims than those with lower ones.

Age plays an integral part in determining Iowa car insurance premiums, with younger drivers generally paying significantly more than older ones. 16 and 17-year-old drivers usually benefit from remaining on their parents’ policy as their rate increase may not be significant; for those purchasing their own policy independently it is important to remember that just one DUI conviction in Iowa could raise premiums by an estimated average of around $1200 each year.

The type of vehicle you drive also impacts your rates; luxury models costing more to insure than more affordable models, with higher priced cars costing more to repair or replace compared with cheaper models. Here are some factors that influence car insurance costs:

As an example, GEICO provides competitive rates to drivers in Iowa with recent accidents on their record. Their rates are generally among the lowest among their competitors for drivers involved in at-fault accidents who carry minimum coverage requirements only. Hastings Mutual provides car insurance policies at competitive rates for drivers with recent accidents on their record. But even if you have had at-fault accidents, it still pays to shop around for the best rates; many companies may not provide competitive pricing when it comes to high-risk drivers. Make the most of discounts such as being a student or veteran, homeowner and having an excellent driving record to reduce premium costs. In the end, though, what really matters is having at-fault accident coverage and keeping your auto policy current – failure to do this may incur fines and penalties so find one you can afford and stick with it!