Hawaii Car Insurance Calculator – How to Find the Best Rates on Car Insurance in Hawaii

Hawaii is an incredible state with plenty of sights and activities, but also has its share of traffic congestion issues – drivers spend an average of 26 minutes each way commuting. Therefore, finding an affordable car insurance policy tailored specifically to meet your needs while not going overboard on premiums is of utmost importance in Hawaii. Many factors contribute to your rate such as driving record, age and location – it is therefore crucial that you select an insurer with fair rates that meets these criteria.

Hawaii car insurance rates are significantly less than the national average. On average, drivers in Hawaii pay under $1,079 annually for car insurance compared with $1,080 nationwide. You can shop around and compare quotes in order to secure more cost-effective coverage options.

Hawaiian drivers should opt for an insurer that provides flexible coverage options and multiple discounts, such as being a student, military member, safe driver, homeowner or going paperless. The more discounts you have available to you, the higher your chance is of negotiating for an affordable rate.

As well as comparing rates across carriers, when shopping for car insurance policies in Hawaii it is wise to also take your location and driving record into account. In general, Hawaii’s lowest-cost areas tend to be small cities like Anahola or Princeville while larger, more populous cities tend to charge higher premiums due to increased risks from traffic accidents.

Drivers should consider additional coverages that provide extra protection on the road when shopping for policies. Guaranteed Auto Protection (GAP) insurance provides coverage against total losses; collision coverage pays damages caused in case of accidents as well.

While Hawaii drivers must meet certain minimum liability coverage requirements, one way to save money and meet those standards is by increasing your coverage limits beyond state minimum requirements. This will provide adequate protection for more expensive damages while helping keep premiums affordable.

Driving records are among the key determinants of car insurance rates in Hawaii, and insurers will typically increase your rates if there is a major accident or infraction on your record. An at-fault accident typically raises rates by 35%.

Hawaii insurers do not use your credit score as a factor to set premiums, making this policy unique among states. It is actually illegal for them to do so!

Keep this in mind: no matter your current car insurance policy may state, it’s always wise to shop around for better rates. With many providers competing against one another for business, switching may often result in greater savings.