How to Use a Car Insurance Calculator

California Car Insurance Calculator

Using a car insurance calculator is an excellent way to determine the amount of coverage you need. This tool also takes into account changes in your life, such as marriage or moving out of state. Your car insurance coverage limits may increase if you get married, or your coverage may decrease as you accumulate more stuff.


GEICO offers several car insurance policies to California residents. These policies include liability, property damage liability, medical coverage, and uninsured motorist coverage. GEICO also offers payment plans based on a national average survey, which uses insurance rates throughout the U.S. to determine how much you’ll pay each month.

GEICO California car insurance quotes are free to use and are available online. California’s laws regarding car insurance are unique, so you should review your own personal circumstances before choosing a policy. You should also review California car insurance minimum requirements to ensure that you’re getting the coverage that you need.

State minimum liability limits

Although California laws require all drivers to have auto insurance, many choose to drive without it. In 2014, 13% of drivers were uninsured, according to the Insurance Research Council. If you get into an accident, you can be sued for your own injuries, even if your policy has a minimum liability limit. You can also choose to have medical payment coverage, which will pay for your medical bills and the costs of emergency care for yourself and other passengers.

Regardless of whether you opt for a high-end policy or a basic liability policy, it is always advisable to carry at least the minimum amount of coverage required by California car insurance laws. You can choose to have a higher limit if you feel you can afford it. If you have a good driving record, you may be able to qualify for a good driver discount, which can help you pay less for your insurance coverage.

Driving record

One of the most important factors in determining car insurance rates is your driving record. The lower your driving history, the lower your insurance rates will be. In addition, you should always adhere to current traffic laws. You may even qualify for a “Good Driver Discount” by following all of the laws of the road. You can also take a traffic school course online to help you get on the right track for lowering your insurance rates.

A single traffic ticket or a string of traffic violations can increase your car insurance premium in California significantly. A single speeding ticket will increase your premium by nearly 40%, while several tickets can increase your rates by as much as 164%. Those with multiple tickets or convictions should shop around to find the best rate.

Credit rating

Before you start looking for car insurance, you should know your credit rating. Insurance companies use your credit rating to determine your risk and set the rates you’ll pay. You can view your credit score by checking with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and the Center for Economic Justice. It also plays a role in determining whether you qualify for a loan or not.

The lower your credit score is, the more you’ll pay for insurance. However, some states do not allow insurers to use your credit rating solely to determine your insurance rate. The best way to protect yourself from this is to ask your insurance company what credit score they use. This way, you can be sure to make sure you’re not being put into a higher risk category than you really are. If you’ve got bad credit, you should take steps to repair your credit rating before applying for insurance. Making timely payments on your bills, clearing any past disputes, and keeping your credit card balances low will help you get a better score.