How to Use a Car Insurance Calculator to Find the Best Rates

Utah Car Insurance Calculator

Utah is one of several states requiring drivers to have car insurance, and for optimal rates drivers should understand which factors play into determining their premium costs. Key considerations may include age and gender of drivers as well as past at-fault accidents on record as well as shopping around to find an affordable policy.

Utah car insurance rates do not remain consistent across the state; your city of residence can have a considerable influence on your rate. This is due to cities having different crime and accident statistics which affect how much it will cost for insuring your vehicle. Drivers can save money by bundling policies together or seeking group discounts, while also checking their credit score regularly as this could have an enormous effect on Utah auto insurance premiums.

Utah drivers typically pay an average annual premium of $882 to acquire full coverage that meets the state minimum liability limits, yet this only covers $25,000 of bodily injury liability per person and $65,000 of property damage liability per accident, plus $3,000 personal injury protection (PIP). Drivers looking for added protection against out-of-pocket expenses should consider increasing liability limits or investing in comprehensive and collision coverage or opting for higher deductibles with lower premiums.

Gender can have an enormous effect on Utah car insurance rates, with male drivers paying more on average than their female counterparts due to statistical evidence that shows males are more likely to be involved in accidents compared with younger female drivers. Furthermore, Utah is a comparative negligence state; meaning multiple parties could potentially share responsibility for an incident to various degrees.

While DUI can have a lasting effect on your auto insurance rates, even one speeding ticket or accident could raise premiums significantly as insurers view these behaviors as high-risk behaviors that increase claims filed against them. Furthermore, drivers with multiple at-fault accidents in their past should expect to pay more as this entails increased risks.

Good credit can save you money on Utah car insurance as most providers view this as proof of responsible driving behavior. But even those with less-than-stellar credit scores can find affordable coverage if they take time to shop around and compare quotes.

Car insurance providers may use your zip code data to establish your rate, as this can indicate how dangerous the area is and the probability of accidents happening there. The most costly areas in Utah tend to be near large cities while rural regions often offer cheaper insurance premiums.