How to Use an Illinois Car Insurance Calculator

Illinois car insurance calculators help drivers estimate how much it should cost them to insure their vehicles based on age, driving record and coverage needs. Although state minimum auto policies must provide basic protection, many drivers opt for additional types of coverage such as comprehensive and collision coverage that protect against theft, vandalism or severe weather damage to themselves or property as well as medical payments coverage or uninsured motorist protection to lower out-of-pocket expenses.

Drivers in Illinois can anticipate paying on average $480 annually for minimum-coverage policies and $1,380 annually for full-coverage policies, though premiums can differ significantly depending on factors like company, type of policy and more. Furthermore, some top companies in Illinois may provide discounts for good drivers with clean records or those who bundle policies together like homeowners or renters’ policies.

Your driving history can have the biggest influence on your Illinois auto insurance rates, which could either increase or decrease premiums significantly. A single speeding ticket typically raises premiums by 27 percent on average while DUI charges could cause your rates to increase by an astounding 86%! After serious infractions such as speeding tickets or DUI convictions, some companies may increase rates even further while others could remain unchanged.

Your vehicle choice also has an effect on your Illinois car insurance rates; certain models costing more to insure than others. Switching from small sedan to an SUV or pickup could save hundreds each year in premium costs; conversely, adding teen drivers could increase them by as much as 3.6x!

Other factors affecting Illinois auto insurance rates include how much liability coverage and deductible amount are purchased, as well as whether a payment schedule of every six months instead of monthly can help save money – some companies even offer discounts to customers who opt for this method of paying premiums.

Illinois car insurance providers that excel are those that combine affordability, low rates and multiple coverage options into an excellent package for their customers. USAA stands out as being particularly affordable for military members and their families while State Farm offers policies tailored to all other drivers. To find the lowest car insurance premiums, compare quotes using an Illinois car insurance calculator from multiple providers and then take steps to improve your driving record and other variables that affect rates, while following steps recommended by Illinois Department of Insurance’s car insurance regulator to improve driving records and other variables that impact rates in order to find a policy within budget. Its website provides more details.