Maine Car Insurance Calculator

Maine Car Insurance Calculator

Car insurance rates in Maine depend on many variables, including your age, driving history and marital status. Your location also plays a huge part in your car insurance rates – including accident rates, theft statistics and repair costs in your locality that will impact what price you pay for auto coverage. With Zebra’s car insurance calculator you can easily identify an insurer in Maine offering the best pricing based on your specific needs and driver profile.

Maine law mandates that drivers maintain at least 50/100/25 liability and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, with additional comprehensive and collision policies recommended to cover damages not covered by these minimum requirements.

As a driver, it’s essential that you maintain an excellent driving record to save money on car insurance premiums. Insurance companies will usually increase your premium following an arrest for DUI or multiple speeding tickets; additionally, some states prohibit car insurers from refusing to cover drivers with poor records entirely.

One way you can save on car insurance is by decreasing the coverage you carry on your policy. By only carrying minimum mandatory coverage in Maine, on average you’ll save an average of $386 annually by having less coverage; but depending on your personal situation it may make more sense to reduce coverage before consulting an expert.

When shopping for Maine car insurance policies, it’s crucial to compare quotes from multiple providers. Regional insurers often offer lower prices than national brands and enjoy great customer satisfaction ratings. When reviewing quotes for Maine auto policies, also take note of what benefits each provider provides – roadside assistance, mileage reimbursement and so forth.

Your car’s make and model can also have an effect on its price of auto insurance in Maine. Sports cars and luxury vehicles typically incur higher premiums due to more accidents and claims being filed than four-door sedans.

Keep in mind that having a low credit score can increase your car insurance rates significantly, as insurance providers view you as high-risk due to past credit behavior. By working to increase your score and improve it over time, often times improving it can lower Maine car insurance premiums significantly.

Maine car insurance costs an average annual premium of $1,034. This figure represents 32% savings from the national average rate. Male rates tend to average $789 while female policies can typically cost less. Adding a teenage driver could increase your costs by an estimated average of $396 annually; however you could often find savings by lowering coverage limits or attending defensive driving courses.