Minnesota Car Insurance Calculator

Minnesota Car Insurance Calculator

If you’re thinking of getting car insurance in Minnesota, you may be wondering what the minimum coverage requirements are. The state of Minnesota has a high car insurance premium, which is higher than neighboring states like Wisconsin and Iowa. Check out this table to see how much your premiums will cost with the minimum amount of coverage.

Minimum liability coverage

Almost every state requires drivers to carry car insurance, and Minnesota is no exception. The minimum liability coverage in Minnesota is $30k for a single-car accident and $60k for two-car accidents. This coverage pays for medical costs and lost wages no matter who was at fault. In addition, the state requires drivers to carry personal injury protection coverage, or PIP, of $40,000, which covers both medical costs and non-medical expenses in the event of an accident.

Moreover, there are other types of insurance that you should consider purchasing. Although it’s important to carry the minimum liability coverage in Minnesota, you may want to consider purchasing additional coverage if you feel it is necessary for your budget. You can also opt for uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, which pays for expenses when another driver is at fault in an accident. If you’re unsure whether you’ll need it or not, you can consult your insurance agent to determine what coverage options are best for you.


In Minnesota, you can save money on car insurance by maintaining a clean driving record. Many insurance companies recognize that drivers with clean driving records are considered to be lower risks. This is because they drive carefully and are less likely to be involved in an accident. Another important factor to consider when comparing car insurance rates is your credit score. Those with poor credit scores have higher rates than those with excellent credit scores.

Fortunately, many insurance companies make it simple to qualify for a discount. There are several types of discounts offered by Minnesota insurers, and most of these are simple to obtain. These discounts can be policy discounts or driver discounts, or discounts based on vehicle features.


One of the best ways to find lower car insurance rates is to shop around and compare rates. Zip codes are an important factor in determining how much you pay for car insurance. In addition to driving history, they are a good indication of crime rates and other risks in a given neighborhood. If you live in a high-crime neighborhood, you can save on your premium by parking your car in a gated or covered garage. Be sure to tell your insurance agent about any safety measures that you take.

In Minnesota, car insurance is required by law. The state requires auto insurance to protect motorists and pedestrians. The minimum coverage is $20,000 per person and $40,000 for a vehicle. You can also purchase optional coverage such as uninsured motorist coverage, rental car reimbursement, and roadside assistance. While you may not need these additional coverages, it is important to shop around for the best rate. Shopping around is also a good way to find discounts and quality customer service.

Companies with lowest premiums

There are several factors that go into determining the price of car insurance. First, people who have good credit pay the lowest premiums. This can save you up to $814 a year, but you must keep in mind that drivers with bad credit can also experience higher premiums. Luckily, there are several ways to reduce your rate.

Consider finding a local insurance company that offers lower premiums than large national companies. Many of these companies are rated by the J.D. Power Associates, a third-party organization that evaluates insurers based on their financial strength. In addition, you can also find out if a company has a high customer satisfaction rating. Additionally, many companies consider your driving history and your age when setting your premiums. Finally, you should consider your vehicle’s make, model, and annual mileage, which can affect the price of your insurance policy.

Drivers’ credit score

Insurers consider drivers’ credit score when determining their insurance rates. People with higher credit scores typically make fewer claims, and therefore, premiums are lower. A driver’s credit score is important because it determines the responsibility a driver has to pay for their car insurance. Poor credit scores can result in very high insurance rates.

Using a credit score as a factor in insurance rates is not uncommon among insurers in Minnesota. While a few states have banned it, most states allow insurance companies to consider credit when determining a driver’s rate.