New Jersey Car Insurance Calculator

New Jersey Car Insurance Calculator

The minimum car insurance requirements in New Jersey are liability and personal injury protection (PIP), though some drivers opt for additional coverages such as comprehensive and collision. These optional coverages help to pay for damages caused by accidents or theft to their vehicle owner and can help pay any associated liabilities that result from total losses due to accidents or theft. Drivers can also add endorsements that raise policy limits, provide roadside assistance coverage, or cover lockout expenses should they become stuck.

There are various factors that influence New Jersey car insurance rates, and shopping around for the best rate should always be your goal. Insurance professionals recommend seeking quotes from multiple providers and asking about discounts such as paying your premiums annually instead of monthly, bundling home and auto policies together, or having an excellent driving record.

Other important factors affecting New Jersey car insurance rates are your age, driving record and vehicle type. Younger, inexperienced drivers typically pay more for car insurance. Drivers with multiple traffic violations or an at-fault accident also tend to incur greater premiums for coverage. Furthermore, vehicle value will impact collision and comprehensive premiums.

Finally, your credit score can have an effect on how much New Jersey car insurance you will pay. Insurers look at your record of repaying debt to assess how likely it is that you will file a claim in the future – those with poor credit usually pay more.

New Jersey drivers pay an average car insurance premium of approximately $1932 annually or approximately $161 each month, which is higher than the national average but there are ways you can lower it with strategies.

Assuming you have an impeccable driving history and are willing to switch providers, switching may help save money on car insurance in New Jersey. In addition, take note of both your vehicle’s value and any optional coverages that might interest you when making this decision.

One factor that can impact New Jersey car insurance rates is your choice of lawsuit protection. New Jersey is unique among states in that you can select between an unlimited right to sue for monetary compensation from drivers without car insurance and limited rights to sue in case you are injured by someone without car insurance – choosing limited rights of action could significantly lower costs of New Jersey auto insurance policies.

We compared thousands of car insurance rates from New Jersey’s leading insurers. On average, an insurance rate for a 30-year-old male living in a suburban neighborhood with excellent credit is $321 for full coverage and $261 for liability-only policies.