North Carolina Car Insurance Calculator

North Carolina drivers tend to pay less for car insurance than their national counterparts, though individual factors like age, driving record and marital status will influence how much coverage will cost them. MoneyGeek’s North Carolina Car Insurance Calculator can give an instant estimate of your car insurance rate based on personal details like driving record and type of vehicle owned. Furthermore, it will assist with understanding available coverage options in your region.

MoneyGeek has conducted extensive analysis to give you an idea of the average cost of car insurance in North Carolina, using rates from leading providers. Below is a table which presents average car insurance costs based on an assumption for a 45-year-old male driver with minimum liability coverage and good credit – while these may only serve as guidelines, they can serve as useful guides when trying to understand what factors influence premiums in your own specific case.

Your driving record, including traffic violations and accidents, will have an effect on the price of your premiums. While safe drivers typically enjoy lower premiums than those involved in multiple incidents, severity of incidents and company affiliation can both have significant effects.

Addition of teenage drivers will also increase your rates, since younger drivers tend to experience more accidents than other drivers and may therefore be seen as higher risks by insurers. It may be cheaper for young drivers to remain on their parents’ policy as long as they maintain a clean driving record and remain underwritten – as long as it doesn’t void it completely. Younger drivers can usually expect to pay higher car insurance premiums in North Carolina; their rates usually decrease with experience.

While your car’s type may have some impact on its price of premium, its impact is typically not as great as many people assume. While driving a luxury sports car might increase premiums slightly, a mid-sized sedan may actually save some cash.

Credit can have an enormous impact on auto insurance premiums. A higher credit score often indicates more responsible driving habits and therefore lower rates; conversely, poor credit can signal high risks and raise premiums up to fourfold.

MoneyGeek has conducted extensive research on how your premium could increase for various infractions in North Carolina and compared rates among leading providers to provide you with a snapshot. Keep in mind these are only averages, and your personal quotes may differ significantly. Common offenses in the state include speeding, reckless driving and DUIs – if these apply to you it would be wise to consult an agent about ways of lowering it further. We have compiled a list of North Carolina’s best car insurers based on affordability and customer service criteria such as premium rates, customer satisfaction surveys as well as additional features like roadside assistance that ranks them accordingly.