Oregon Car Insurance Calculator

Oregon Car Insurance Calculator

To drive legally in Oregon, you must have insurance. Without it, you could face fines or have your license suspended. Although purchasing enough coverage may seem costly, it’s essential for protecting yourself financially in case of an accident.

Minimum Coverage

Oregon requires drivers to carry at least $25,000 in bodily injury liability per person, $50,000 total bodily injury liability and $20,000 property damage liability. Furthermore, personal injury protection (PIP) is mandated in the state; it pays medical bills for you and any passengers regardless of who caused the crash.

Good Drivers Pay Low Rates

Car insurers typically consider drivers with a clean driving record and no citations as good drivers. Having such an excellent record can result in lower premiums and even qualify you for discounts.

Married and Divorced Drivers in Oregon Seek Discounts

Married or divorced drivers in Oregon may be able to save money on auto insurance. On average, married drivers pay $51 less per year than single people for coverage; getting married also improves your credit rating which could result in lower rates for car insurance policies.

Older Drivers Can Be More Expensive

As you get older, your premiums may increase. But if you shop around and compare different companies, there may be affordable options available to choose from.

When selecting car insurance, you should take into account both the type of vehicle and desired level of protection. Liability-only policies are the most affordable option; however, comprehensive and collision coverage are available for additional security.

Mile Auto offers the most cost-effective full coverage options with an average monthly premium of $82. Direct Auto has a higher monthly average with a rate of $117.

Teen Drivers Are Frequently More Expensive

Young drivers tend to get in more accidents than older motorists due to their inexperience behind the wheel. Fortunately, there are ways you can save on car insurance for young Oregon drivers.

Taking Driver Education Classes

If your driving history is clean, you can earn additional discounts from your car insurer by taking defensive driving courses. These classes may reduce your monthly premium by up to 20%.

Selecting the Appropriate Model of Vehicle

Your car makes a major impact on the cost of your Oregon auto insurance policy. Generally, luxury cars tend to be costlier to insure due to their higher likelihood of damage or theft. SUVs, on the other hand, tend to be smaller and easier to maneuver around obstacles.

Selecting the Correct Deductible for Your Budget

A high deductible on Oregon auto insurance can significantly lower your premiums. A deductible is the percentage of costs that must be paid out-of-pocket after an accident; a $500 deductible costs twice as much as a $100 one, so it’s essential to choose the right deductible according to your needs and budget.