Oregon Car Insurance Calculator

Oregon Car Insurance Calculator

Oregon is known to have some of the strictest car insurance laws in the nation. Oregon drivers are required to carry bodily injury liability, property damage liability and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage as a minimum requirement; comprehensive and collision policies are optional, however if purchased it should have the highest limits possible as this protects against potential financial loss in case of serious accidents.

Oregon requires minimum coverage levels of $25,000 per person for bodily injury, $50,000 per accident for property damage and $20,000 personal injury protection. You may opt to increase these amounts in exchange for higher premiums; however, any claims you submit would only cover up to the limits set in your policy.

Oregon drivers can save money on car insurance by shopping around and comparing quotes, but the exact amount will depend on several factors including your age, driving record and credit score as well as where you reside – Insurers take into account crime rates, weather risks and claim activity when setting prices in Oregon.

Your age is the key factor in determining your Oregon car insurance rate, with younger drivers often paying double what middle-aged drivers would for similar policies due to being considered high risk by insurers due to lack of driving experience.

An outstanding credit score is key in securing affordable Oregon car insurance, since poor credit can increase rates by two times or more compared to drivers with excellent credit. Your vehicle’s model also plays a factor – typically, luxury vehicles cost more to insure than sedans or SUVs.

Your choice of deductible can also impact the total cost of Oregon car insurance premiums. A higher deductible can help lower monthly rates; just make sure that if an accident does happen you have enough savings in savings account to pay it! For added savings consider taking a defensive driving course or prepaying your premium altogether.

If you have been charged with DUI, Oregon car insurance rates will likely increase considerably as a result. But even though your rates will likely increase substantially due to your criminal conviction, WalletHub has compiled a list of companies who specialize in affordable coverage for high-risk drivers as well as providing information on average rates across Oregon cities.