Pennsylvania Car Insurance Calculator

MoneyGeek’s Pennsylvania Car Insurance Calculator

Each driver’s circumstances differ, making it hard to identify the most affordable insurance policy provider. But MoneyGeek’s free Pennsylvania Car Insurance Calculator can provide an estimate by answering some basic questions about yourself and vehicle. After doing this, the calculator will show rates from top providers for various coverage levels.

Your age is the single most significant factor when calculating car insurance premiums, with younger drivers paying more due to having less experience driving and therefore an increased risk of an accident.

Poor credit can have a significant effect on your rate as providers will consider you to be high risk driver and charge accordingly. On average, those with good credit scores tend to pay less.

Your car makes and model can have an effect on your rate as well. Certain models boast superior safety features, crash statistics and repair costs than others; as a result, their insurance premiums tend to be more costly; drivers of BMWs typically pay more than drivers of Toyota Prius models.

Insurance companies use many variables to establish premiums, including city populations and risk assessments related to theft, vandalism and medical care services. Therefore, it’s a wise idea to compare rates from various cities before selecting your insurer.

State Farm, Erie, GEICO and USAA are some of Pennsylvania’s cheapest auto insurers, boasting competitive rates with excellent customer service and low consumer complaints – key elements that determine what your premium costs.

Pennsylvania does not utilize gender as a factor when calculating car insurance premiums; however, other elements may still affect drivers’ premiums, including age and the type of coverage purchased.

Addition of a teenage driver can easily triple Pennsylvania car insurance rates. Teenagers tend to have limited driving experience and are therefore more prone to collisions than their elder driving peers, thus driving premiums up. To keep premiums affordable for you and your teenager, ensure a clean driving record by avoiding traffic violations and accidents as much as possible.

Pennsylvania drivers with impeccable driving records usually pay lower insurance premiums compared to drivers who have accrued violations like speeding tickets or DUI convictions; this applies for speeding tickets as well as DUI convictions; however, over time your rates should return to normal.

Pennsylvania car insurance policies should provide adequate financial protection. While only required to have state minimum liability coverage, comprehensive and collision policies provide extra security against major financial losses. While annual premiums average approximately $787 for full coverage policies in Pennsylvania drivers with excellent driving records and credit histories; by comparing quotes you could save between 2-6 percent.