Rhode Island Car Insurance Calculator

Rhode Island Car Insurance Calculator

Most states, including Rhode Island, make driving without car insurance illegal and most mortgage lenders require car insurance as part of a loan agreement. The cost of coverage varies based on factors like coverage level, age and driving record – premiums also differ by company – NerdWallet’s Rhode Island Car Insurance Calculator can help you identify suitable options suited to both your needs and budget.

Rhode Island drivers can anticipate paying about $838 annually for liability insurance coverage as required by state law, which is less than the national average of $909. However, opting only for liability-only can leave drivers exposed to potential financial hardship in case of an accident; we advise purchasing comprehensive and collision coverage to protect yourself in this scenario. Full coverage also provides protection from weather-related events that damage vehicles like accidents.

Driving history and credit score also factor into how much car insurance costs in Rhode Island. On average, drivers with good credit pay $1,677 annually while those with poor credit typically incur costs around $2,400 annually. Residents facing DUI or serious traffic offense charges will likely find it challenging to purchase coverage through voluntary channels alone; such drivers should seek out non-owner SR-22 car policies from providers approved by their state for protection.

Location can have a significant effect on car insurance premiums, as insurers consider the risk of accidents or theft based on local data. Your ZIP code can be a key determinant in this calculation process, with some areas seeing higher-than-average risks due to more accidents or stolen vehicles while other areas see lower risks due to lower crime and traffic volumes.

Car insurance rates vary greatly between carriers, making comparison shopping essential. NerdWallet’s free car insurance calculator will help you quickly identify the lowest available rates that fit your unique situation.

The annual rate shown above is calculated based on a male driver with excellent credit and an immaculate driving record who drives a new Honda Accord. Other details that could impact rates may include other drivers included on your policy’s driving history as well as type/model of vehicle driven and other factors.

There are various strategies you can employ to lower your Rhode Island car insurance rates, including increasing liability limits and dropping other drivers from your policy. Furthermore, driving violations and offenses may lead to expensive rate hikes down the line; for more information regarding their effects on rates after at-fault accidents or tickets check out NerdWallet’s guide on Car Insurance After an Incident for more details.