South Carolina Car Insurance Calculator

South Carolina Car Insurance Calculator

The cost of car insurance is heavily determined by several factors companies take into account when setting premiums, such as age, driving history, credit score and marital status. While these numbers may differ between companies and regions, you can get a good idea of what to expect by comparing quotes from different providers.

Good Drivers Can Find Cheap Insurance

If your driving record is spotless, your auto insurance rates should be lower than those of drivers with an unfavorable record. In South Carolina, drivers with perfect records typically pay only 10% more for car insurance than those with any infraction or two.

Young Drivers Are Expensive

New drivers may face higher insurance costs than experienced motorists because insurers assume you’re a higher risk and file more claims during the early years of your driving career. Therefore, young drivers tend to face higher premiums for coverage.

With experience comes lower rates, so it’s wise to shop around as soon as you receive your license and start driving. Furthermore, looking for a company with no deductible or lower deductible will allow you to save even more money in the long run.

Locations & Weather Variables

Car insurance costs vary based on where you live in South Carolina, with cities with high population densities and crime rates generally costing more. On the other hand, quotes can often be found for cheaper in smaller towns or rural areas; thus, if you want to save money, researching regional insurers is worth investigating.

Liability Insurance

Most states require drivers to carry liability insurance, which covers any medical expenses and property damage caused by an accident you cause. You can purchase additional coverage like uninsured/underinsured motorist protection in order to cover other drivers’ costs if they were at fault in the incident.

Full Coverage

If you’re looking to increase your coverage, full coverage may cost more than the state minimum; however, it could be worth it in the long run. In fact, most experts and insurance agents suggest going beyond state minimums in order to safeguard yourself against unexpected events.

Poor Credit Can Impact Your Rates

If your credit is in poor shape, you could be paying higher auto insurance premiums than necessary. Insurance companies use various formulas to calculate premiums – and having a low score makes you more expensive to insure.

Thankfully, you can save money by selecting a company that doesn’t require credit to provide quotes – and shopping with Jerry makes that easy! We use data from over 55 top-rated insurance providers to provide tailored real-time quotes tailored for your individual situation.

Discover how much you could save with a Root policy by downloading our app and getting an estimate today!

Insurance Companies In South Carolina

State Farm, GEICO and Progressive are some of the top auto insurance providers in South Carolina. Each offers a different coverage type, discount rates and third-party reviews to help you decide which one is best suited for you.