Texas Car Insurance Calculator

Texas Car Insurance Calculator

Car insurance is required by law in Texas and it’s essential to having adequate coverage. Bankrate’s Car Insurance Calculator makes estimating costs easier by providing tailored estimates based on your specific driving history and life events, like getting married or buying a house that may affect how much coverage is necessary. With its help you can easily compare estimated coverage amounts with top carriers across Texas.

Our calculator utilizes the average annual costs for full and minimum coverage in Texas as well as other factors that influence car insurance premiums, including age, driving history and credit score. Results are based on an idealized driver profile who meets state liability insurance requirements by driving a 2022 Toyota Camry without moving violations or accidents in three years; they have an above-national-average credit score; commute five days each week while covering 12,000 miles annually.

The state average annual rates for full coverage and minimum coverage, respectively, is $2,613 and $691, respectively; both figures are lower than national averages of $2,542 and $740, respectively. Your personal rates could differ significantly; more so if you have an at-fault accident on your record or multiple speeding tickets.

Farmers, Allstate and USAA are three of the premier auto insurers in Texas. Each provides affordable rates and various discounts – such as bundling coverage together or paying on time; offering good student discounts or owning a safe vehicle – but USAA stands out by only being available to active-duty military personnel and their families.

Other factors that could increase your Texas car insurance costs include your gender, marital status and where you reside. Men typically pay more for car insurance in Texas than women do while cities like Houston and Dallas tend to have higher-than-average car insurance rates compared with other areas across the nation.

Consider whether or not the state-mandated minimum amount of car insurance meets your needs or if you want to add optional coverages like collision and comprehensive. Our calculator allows you to select this minimum coverage amount; but for optimal budgetary decisions it would be advisable to increase coverage limits accordingly. Likewise, take into account how valuable your assets are as well as desired protection types for home and personal belongings; additionally the value and number of cars owned can affect car insurance rates in Texas.