Using a Car Insurance Calculator

Car insurance is an essential requirement of driving, but it doesn’t need to break the bank. A Kentucky Car Insurance Calculator can help you find an affordable policy with sufficient coverage that meets both your budget and assets protection needs. Kentucky drivers should understand which factors affect their rates such as age, gender, driving history and credit score as a clean driving record can lead to reduced premiums while accidents or violations could significantly raise them; taking defensive driving classes or adding safety features could save money as well.

Kentucky requires motorists to carry at least minimum car insurance; however, this minimum does not provide enough financial protection in case of a serious crash. Drivers should consider adding comprehensive and collision coverage as this additional coverage could cost twice as much but save them thousands over time should an accident or theft occur.

Kentucky residents pay an average annual premium for full coverage car insurance of $2,567 or $175 monthly, which is higher than the national average of $1682.

Insurers take many factors into consideration when setting car insurance rates, including your age, gender, driving record and credit score. Younger drivers tend to pay the highest premiums as they’re more likely to cause accidents while drivers in their 60s typically experience the lowest premiums; gender also plays a factor with men having higher premiums than women. It should also be remembered that different insurers offer different pricing plans for similar coverage plans.

Poor credit drivers tend to file more claims and therefore pay higher car insurance premiums. Though not legal in all states, Kentucky allows insurance companies to consider credit history when setting rates; those with poor credit should take steps to improve it as doing so can help significantly lower premiums.

Your location and type of car both play an integral part in determining your Kentucky car insurance rate. Insurers may charge you more if you live in an area with high crime, or own an expensive sports car which costs more to repair than others.

As you search for an auto insurance policy, take note of customer service. Ideally, choose an insurer that is reliable and friendly – this will make the claims process less arduous should there be an accident.

Cincinnati Insurance tops MoneyGeek’s rankings of Kentucky auto insurers for customer satisfaction, followed by Farm Bureau, State Farm and USAA as other top carriers. Finding an outstanding auto insurer in Kentucky could provide you with great savings without compromising their outstanding service quality.